Nagaland Chief Minister T R Zeliang on Wednesday called on Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and briefed the latter on the demand raised by several quarters for an amicable and lasting solution to the vexed Naga issue before the ensuing Assembly election in the State. Zeliang also urged the Union Home Minister to postpone the polls.

In the meeting, the Chief Minister apprised the Home Minister that at present, various civil society organizations and church leaders in Nagaland have expressed their desire for a ‘solution before election’.

Zeliang also pointed out that the Government of India was engaged with different Naga political groups – NSCN (I-M) and working committee of six Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) for early solution and that it was the desire of the Naga people for a permanent solution of the problem before the ensuing election.

The Home Minister after a patient hearing reiterated that the Union Government was serious on solving the Naga political issue.

The Home Minister also assured Zeliang that he would convene a meeting on the demand of the Naga people and convey the outcome of the meeting to the Nagaland Government.

In support of the demand, the State Chief Minister also submitted the resolution adopted by Nagaland Legislators Forum and parliamentarians and ex-parliamentarians on December 7 last year along with a copy of Nagaland Legislative Assembly resolution on the issue.