Nagaland Assembly polls

The two-day winter session of Nagaland Assembly which began on Thursday resolved to urge the Government of India to take emergent and extraordinary steps to usher in an honourable and acceptable solution to the Naga political issue well before the State Assembly elections slated for March next year.

Introducing the resolution on Nagaland political issue, Chief Minister TR Zeliang stated that at the consultative meet of the Nagaland Legislators’ Forum with the parliamentarians and ex- parliamentarians held in Kohima on December 7, a resolution was passed urging the Nagaland Legislative Assembly to pass a separate resolution on similar lines for “solution before election” during the current session of the House.

He added that the House appreciated the various measures taken by the Government of India in regard to early solution of the protracted Naga political issue, specially the Framework Agreement dated 5th August, 2015 between the Government of India and the NSCN-IM as well as the further written agreement dated 27th November, 2017 between the Government of India and the Working Committee of the six Naga political groups.

Zeliang also said the various stakeholders are sincerely and seriously engaging their minds to the core details of the Naga political issue in order to arrive at an early solution.

He further added that the House is of the utmost view that solution to the issue cannot afford any more delay and thereby interminably deny the Nagas their democratic rights to self-determination and other concomitant rights and vestments.

The House also resolved to urge the Election Commission of India not to announce date of the general elections until the Government of India arrives at an honourable and acceptable solution to the Naga issue in order to enable all Nagas to enjoy their due democratic and other rights and function as a more empowered electorate during the elections that may be held after the solution.

It called upon civil societies, tribal hohos, church and other organisations concerned to cooperate with the vision of the State Government in this regard.

The House further appealed to all political parties and Independent candidates to implement the demand for “solution before election” in the field, whenever necessary, so that utmost unity is displayed before the Government of India and the Election Commission of India.

Chief Minister Zeliang also introduced the resolution in the House to revoke the Assembly Resolution passed by it on November 24, 2016 on the Municipal Act, 2006.

Other reports, papers, bill and resolutions were also laid in the House.

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