Now COVID-19 has a new symptom.

Doctors in Spain have recently found out that skin rashes were a commonly known symptom of COVID-19.

According to reports, doctors have now discovered that some infected patients have also been experiencing rashes inside the mouth.

The rashes are clinically known as enanthem and are common in patients that are suffering from viral infections like COVID-19.

The new study that identified rashes inside of the mouth as a possible symptom of COVID-19 was published in JAMA Dermatology on Wednesday last.

Reports added that researchers led by Dr Juan Jimenez-Cauhe from University Hospital Ramon y Cajal in Madrid examined 21 patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection in April and found that six of these patients had rashes on the inside of their mouth.

The age of the patients infected with the rash ranged from 40 to 69 while the study also revealed that four of the six patients with rashes were women.

The study has indicated that more in-depth studies on COVID-19 infection and its symptoms is needed.

The time frame during which the rashes are believed to occur in infected patients is extremely varied and the enanthem does not seem to be a reaction to the medication given to the infected persons.