Image: DIPR, Mizoram

Mizoram sports minister Robert Romawia Royte on Tuesday visited Meisatla Field located at the outskirt of Siaha town.

He paid the visit on the request of Siaha District Sports Committee (SDSC) and Siaha District Football Association (SDFA).

The said field was selected for laying of artro turf and was dressing it up for that purpose since last year.

However, dressing works of Meisatla field has been discontinued for quite a long time.

SDSC led SDFA leaders informed the minister that the contractor, Great Sports Infra ltd, Hyderabad not only discontinued their dressing works but also failed to conform with the standard and specification laid down in the design and estimate of the project.

They therefore requested the minister to intervene in this project and they opined that even though the project was not under his purview, he being a sports minister mandated that he took a necessary measure at this crucial juncture.

The sports minister assured the leaders of sports associations that he would inform and discuss with deputy chief minister and concerned officials about his visit and findings; and explore what could be done.

A fund to the tune of more than Rs six crore was sanctioned for astro turf lying project under NEDP – the previous ministry’s pilot project and UD&DA is the nodal department of this project.