Aizawl: The Mizoram Police on Friday burnt various smuggled and seized drugs valued at Rs 2,362 crore in the international market in Aizawl.

Over 934 kg of drugs including 18.24 kg of heroin, 753.04 kg of highly addictive methamphetamine tablets, and 87 kg pseudoephedrine were burnt in the presence of Mizoram Home Minister Pu Lalchamliana and Director General of Police Devesh Chandra Srivastava.

A top police official said ahead of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on Sunday, large-scale disposal of seized drugs was carried out using the incinerator at Trinity Hospital in Silaimual Melthum in Aizawl.

These drugs, after being smuggled from neighbouring Myanmar, were seized by various law enforcement agencies including Assam Rifles and Mizoram Police during the past few years.

The Home Minister urged Mizoram Police to continue and strengthen their efforts against the drug menace.

DGP Srivastva said that the fight against drugs is among the top priorities for Mizoram Police.

The police officer said that various law enforcement agencies during the current year seized various drugs smuggled from Myanmar valued at around Rs 173 crore.

“As part of the observance of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, during this week, awareness campaigns on drug-related topics have been conducted in 39 schools across all 11 districts of Mizoram. In addition to this, signature campaigns have also been conducted in schools and several other places,” a statement said.

Besides various illicit drugs, especially heroin, highly-addictive methamphetamine tablets, also commonly known as ‘Yaba’, poppy seeds, opium, ganja (marijuana), morphine, bottles of cough syrup valued at hundreds of crores, various other contraband like gold, foreign cigarette as well as arms and ammunition are often smuggled from Myanmar to the northeastern states, especially Mizoram and Manipur.