A week-long ‘International Conference-cum-Workshop on Mathematics Education’ has concluded on Monday

The event, which began on November 15, was organised jointly by Mizoram University (MZU) and the University of Guadalajara, Mexico and sponsored by Mizoram’s Human Resources Development Board and Mathematics Society of Mizoram.

The concluding session of the conference was graced by MZU pro- Vice-Chancellor Prof. J.K.Patnaik, University of Guadalaraja secretary Dr. Oscar Blanco Alonso and state school education minister James Lalrinchhana.

Speaking on the occasion,  J.K.Patnaik said that Mizoram University was working on ways to remove mathematics phobia in students and make the subject interesting.

James Lalrinchhana who also spoke on the occasion hoped that mathematics educators in the state must have gained a lot in terms of teaching the subject.

Dr Oscar Blanco Alonso harped on the need for mathematicians to come together and remove the fear of the subject through technology.

At least 612 research scholars had registered for the week-long conference.

Out of several research papers received as a part of the conference proceedings, 20 papers were selected for the final presentation.

Doctoral scholar Shereen El Bedewy, of Johannes Kepler University, Linz was awarded Best Paper for her submission ‘Taj Mahal as an Architectural, Mathematical, Cultural and Historic Reason for a STEAM practice.’

Renowned mathematician Dr. G.C. Dominguez of USA, Prof. T.K.Dutta of India, Prof. K.Fenyvesi of Finland, Prof. B.Kaur of Singapore, Prof. Z.Lavicza, Austria and Mizoram’s pioneer mathematician Dr. LN Tluanga presented special talk series on various aspects of mathematics education.