Image: DIPR, Mizoram

Mizoram organized an ‘Awareness Programme on Copyrights’ on Monday.

The programme was held in the conference Hall of Directorate of Science & Technology, Mizoram New Capital Complex.

The awareness programme was organized by Mizoram Science, Technology & Innovation Council (MISTIC), a wing of the Directorate of Science & Technology, along with Mizo Writers’ Association (MWA) and Mizo Academy of Letters (MAL).

The awareness programme on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) was chaired by Dr R K Lallianthanga, chief scientific officer & member-secretary, MISTIC.

It was well attended by the members of the Mizoram Writers’ Association and Mizo Academy of Letters.

Dr Lallianthanga welcomed the participants and informed them that the State Government had recently appointed the Directorate of Science & Technology as nodal department for Intellectual Property Rights and relevant matters.

He voiced concern that Mizoram was still rather ignorant and backward concerning IPR and hence, more efforts had to be put in to educate the public.

Prof Laltluangliana Khiangte, president, Mizo Academy of Letters said that Mizo writers had been facing problems regarding copyrights and plagiarism recently and such an awareness programme about how to deal with IPR and relevant matters was indeed very timely and welcomed.

MAL will give its full support and effort to any step taken up by the Department of Science & Technology to tackle the problem, he added.

R Lallianzuala, president, Mizo Writers’ Association echoed the concern over plagiarism and expressed his gratitude that the government was now about to take strong steps in curtailing future copyrights infringement.

Samuel Lalmalsawma, senior scientific officer, MICTIC explained about the various aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright issues.

C Laltlanzuala, scientist-B, PIC, MISTIC demonstrated to the participants the various steps of filing for copyright.