Mizoram Governor P S Sreedharan Pillai on Friday sought the Centre’s help to address the problem faced by the State in view of the COVID-19 pandemic.

During a video conference, Pillai told President Ram Nath Kovind that the State faces problem due to shortage of COVID-19 testing laboratories and personal protective equipment (PPE).

He asked the President to look into the matter and take necessary action.

Also read: President takes stock of COVID-19 situation of Assam

Highlighting the measure taken by the State Government towards containment of novel coronavirus spread, Pillai informed the president that Mizoram was among the first state to response to the fight against the dreaded disease.

He said the State Government has implemented state-wide lockdown prior to the announcement of Janta Curfew by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Also read: Governor BD Mishra updates President Kovind on Arunachal’s COVID19 status

According to him, people strongly responded to nationwide lockdown as no person stepped out from home except those dealing with essential service.

He said not only the NGOs, but churches also strongly supported the government by suspending church services.

He added that massive efforts are made at respective locals and villages with the help of local or village level task force and more than 2000 people are being isolated at home.