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The Mizoram government has extended lockdown with some relaxations for another 10 days till 4 am of June 30 as the rising Covid-19 cases continue to remain unabated.

The existing lockdown is scheduled to be lifted at 4 am on June 21.

The order issued on Friday said that the prolonged total lockdown has affected livelihood activities for which the state government has decided to lift certain restrictions in order to ease the hardship faced by the public.

It is also decided to re-open activities in a staggered manner so as to strike balance between economic activities and disease containment measures thereby preventing further escalation of Covid-19 cases, the order said.

According to the order, people in Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) area are not allowed to step out of their house or compound during lockdown barring employees who will attend offices, exempted categories and those having permission to move outside.

In areas outside the AMC jurisdiction, deputy commissioners will impose restrictions akin to the one imposed in the AMC area depending on the Covid-19 situation, the order said.

No village or locality should announce lockdown or curfew or containment zone on their own and they should consult district administrations if the need for such restrictions arises, it said.

There is no restriction on inter-village movement outside the AMC area and all economic and livelihood activities will function normally in such areas, the order said.

As for the AMC area, shops dealing with essential commodities will be allowed to open every morning between 5 am and 8 am and those dealing with agricultural seeds and equipment are also allowed to open every day from 5 am to 5 pm, it said.

Shops dealing with school textbooks, motor workshops and spare parts will open on Tuesday and those dealing with construction materials, computers, mobile phones will be opened on Friday.

Vegetable and meat markets are allowed to open on Friday between 5 am and 5 pm, it said.

Shops other than mentioned will be divided into A and B groups by local level task forces with the help of district administrations.

While group-A shops will open on Tuesday, group- B shops on Friday in the AMC area, the order said.

Hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, dispensaries, bank and non-banking financial institutions, post offices, filling stations, LPG storehouses, fair price shop, animal feed store, among others, are exempted from lockdown.