AIZAWL: The Mizoram state election commission (SEC) has deleted names of nearly 1500 Bru voters from the state’s electoral rolls.

Names of as many as 1498 Bru voters have been deleted from the electoral rolls of Mizoram, an official of the SEC informed.

Deletion of these 1498 names of the Bru voters from the electoral rolls of Mizoram followed a request from Tripura SEC.

The Tripura SEC had requested the Mizoram election department to delete 1,736 names of Bru voters through ERONet.

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Mizoram joint chief electoral officer (CEO) David Liansanglura Pachuau told TOI that while the Tripura SEC officials seemed to have enrolled over 5000 Bru voters, receipt of request for corresponding deletion through ERONet was relatively low.

The Tripura high court, on September 26, had directed the state’s election commission to complete enrolment of Bru voters, who have been resettled in the state, into the electoral rolls of Tripura before the village council polls in the tribal ADC areas.