Experts on Wednesday said many COVID -19 infected people tend to develop certain illnesses even after they have recovered from the infection.

According to Dr. PC Lalramenga, nodal officer of COVID Task Force at Zoram Medical College (ZMC), a study has revealed that there is a high chance of developing serious illness in post-COVID-19.

He urged COVID-19 infected people to be cautious and take good care of their health even after they have recovered from the infection.

He said that the exact duration of how long the recovered patients can develop serious illness is not known as a study is still going on.

Although many people have been completely cured after they have tested negative for COVID-19, some used to develop certain illnesses, which they have never developed before being infected with COVID-19, he said.

People having comorbidities and chronic diseases should be very careful in taking care of their health after they have recovered from the infection, he said.

Post COVID-19 complications are being currently studied in different parts of the world, he said.

COVID-19 can impact health in different ways after recovery, he said quoting a study.

According to Lalramenga, COVID-19 is used to affect the lungs the most.

Besides, the heart, the joints, the brain can be affected and also lead to a mental problem, he said.

People can develop serious problems in post-COVID-19 if the lung has been severely affected.

COVID-19 can also lead to depression and anxiety, he said.

He suggested that recovered patients take only moderate exercise to avoid serious complications.