Image: DIPR, Mizoram

Block Mission Management Unit, Mizoram State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MzSRLM), Siaha RD Block organized a Block Level Credit Camp, at YLA indoor Stadium, No-aotlah village at Siaha district on Wednesday.

Ngulzathuama, BDO, Siaha and block mission director, chaired the credit camp meeting and K Vanlalthiana MCS, deputy commissioner of Siaha District graced the meeting as chief guest.

Speaking at the occasion, the chief guest urged members of Self Help Groups to consider the credit loan as a versatile and sharp tools to not only eke out their living but also to improve their standard of living.

The day’s credit camp was attended by members of 46 Self Help Groups (SHG) belonging to three villages – Chhaolo, Chakhei and No-aotla village.

Rupees one lakh each was given to all the 46 SHGs as cash credit loan by Mizoram Apex Bank, Siaha Branch.

The chief guest handed over cheague of Rs one lakh each to all the credit loan beneficiaries SHGs.

Seizing the opportunity propped up by the occasion, Lalhlupuii, lead district manager of State Bank of India and Lalthianghlima, assistant manager of Apex Bank, Siaha Branch carried out their on-going financial literacy campaign.

Vanlalhruaii, block mission manager, MzSRLM, concluded the day’s programme with vote of thanks.