Aerial view of Zoram Medical College, earlier named as Mizoram Institute of Medical education and Research (MIMER)

Zoram Medical College (ZMC) in collaboration with state information and communication technology (ICT) department will launch online classes for medical students commencing from Monday, an official said on Friday.

He said that the decision was made at meeting of ZMC, ICT department and BSNL officials under the leadership of state health and family welfare secretary H Lalengmawia.

Classes have been suspended at the ZMC since March due to imposition of nationwide lockdown.

There are 198 students at ZMC currently studying 1st year and 2nd year of  MBBS.

The institution offers different subjects- Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, General Surgery, General Medicine, Community Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine.

The ZMC has been designated as treatment and isolation centre for Covid-19 patients.

So far, Mizoram has reported only one confirmed case with a 50-yeasr-old pastor, who tested positive on March 25.

He is undergoing treatment at ZMC.

Health department officials said that ventilator was removed and the patient is being given normal dose of oxygen.

They also said that two suspected patients have been admitted and another 2 others attendants were put under observation at the medical college.

Samples of the suspected patients will be tested on Saturday, they said.