A painting by Zaithanmawia Varte.

A unique exhibition organised by Mizoram’s information and public relations department opened at Kolkata’s Academy of Fine Arts on Friday.

The exhibition, that showcases the works of young Mizo painters, will run until February 26.

“55 paintings have been put on display and are listed in the brochure that we are circulating to art critics and buffs,” Mizoram DIPR official Vanlalsangi told Northeast Now.

A water colour painting by Lalramchuana Sailo

She said the choice of hosting the exhibition in Kolkata was carefully thought out.

“This is the city of some of India’s greatest painters and it has a big community of art buffs and enthusiasts,” Vanlalsangi said.

“We have already got many queries from local media and art buffs.”


Kolkatans know Mizoram as the land of brave guerrillas and great footballers like Malsamtluanga (Mama for Kolkatans) and Lalsimpuia.

“So when I came to know about Mizo painters, I made it a point to check it. I am impressed,” said sports journalist Pratyusha Mukherjee.

“These people have a tendency to excel,” said Mukherjee.

For painter Zonunchami , painting is “therapy.’  “I paint for joy, not for money,” she told Northeast Now , saying she has been painting since 2010.