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The Mizoram government has begun screening of passengers along the Mizoram-Assam border to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus or COVID-19, a Health department official said on Thursday.

The official said screening counter has been set up at excise check gate in Vairengte on the Mizoram-Assam border and a medical team from Vairengte community health centre has been deployed there since Tuesday to screen passengers.

So far, no suspected case has been detected from passengers coming from other parts of the country.

He said screening counter has also been set up at Kawrpuichhuah on the Mizoram-Bangladesh border besides Lengpui airport and Zokhawthar near the Myanmar border where medical teams were deployed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Also read: WHO names coronavirus as COVID-19

According to the official, health minister Dr R Lalthangliana had inspected the screening point at Kawrpuichhuah on Tuesday last.

Mizoram is sandwiched between Myanmar and Bangladesh, with which it shares more than 820 km unfenced international border.

On January 30 last, the State Government had constituted task force committee to take any necessary measure in view of the coronavirus outbreak.

Officials said that screening counters will be set up as when and where the committee feels necessary.

Health department said at least seven students, who have returned from China recently, are being put under home quarantine as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

It said that no case of coronavirus has been detected in the State till date.

Two blood samples were sent to Kolkata for laboratory test.

The deparment has also launched help line numbers to furnish information related with coronavirus.