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Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla has been found to possess highly valuable assets according to the affidavit submitted by him while filing his nomination papers for the November 28 State Assembly polls.

He has Rs 5 lakh in cash, Rs 1,28,06,007 worth moveable properties, Rs 2.80 crore worth agricultural land and Rs 20 lakh worth non-agricultural land.

He also has a plot of land on which he has constructed a building at New Town, Kolkata worth around Rs 3.10 crore.

Also, he was found to possess a house at Zarkawt in Aizawl whose value has not been declared in the affidavit.

Thanhawla’s wife, Lal Riliani, has Rs 3 lakh in cash, movable properties worth Rs 92,13,740.47, agricultural land worth Rs 25 lakh and non-agricultural land worth Rs 15 lakh.

The affidavit filed by People’s Representation for Identity and Status of Mizoram (PRISM) president and the party’s Chief Ministerial candidate shows that he and his wife have only Rs 30000 and Rs 5000 in cash respectively.

Vanlalruata has two bank accounts and the total money in these accounts amounts to only Rs 2175.

He also owns agricultural land worth around Rs 7.50 lakh. His wife has only Rs 539 in her bank account at the Mizoram Rural Bank, Khatla Branch in Aizawl.

The affidavit filed by former two-time Chief Minister and Mizo National Front (MNF) president Zoramthanga shows that he has Rs 10 lakh in cash.

He also has immoveable properties, including cars and bank accounts, worth Rs 57.22 lakh. He also has agricultural land worth Rs 20 lakh and a plot of land and a building at Chaltlang locality in Aizawl worth Rs 1.25 crore.

Zoramthanga’s wife Roneihsangi has only Rs 7 in cash and Rs 43,756 in her bank accounts.

She also owns moveable properties and a plot of land and a building worth Rs 1.5 crore at Ramhlun Venglai locality in Aizawl.

Zoramthanga’s son and daughter have Rs 28,398 each in their bank accounts.

The affidavit filed by State Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president John V Hluna shows that he has movable assets, including bank accounts, worth Rs 20,05,147, reports The Economic Times.

He also owns agricultural and non-agricultural lands worth Rs 1.30 crore.

Zoram People’s Movement’s (ZPM) chief ministerial candidate Lalduhoma has Rs 70,000 cash in hand and moveable properties, including bank accounts, worth Rs 18.34 lakh.

Lalduhoma’s total properties are worth Rs 1.9 crore.