Mizoram cabinet
File photo of Mizoram cabinet. Image credit - Dynamite News

The Mizoram cabinet approved induction of 946 new primary and middle school teachers to meet the crisis of teachers faced by government schools across the state.

The cabinet meeting was held on Monday at the Mizoram chief minister’s conference room.

The state cabinet held at the chairmanship of chief minister Zoramthanga also decided to fill up 32 posts of the proposed Mizoram State Institute of Hotel Management to speed up its functioning.

Also read: Mizoram Government introduces new school timings across State

The aim of this institute is to provide a space for the youth to study hotel management in the state so that the students of the state would not have to approach other institutions for admission.

As the Mizoram sports minister has been pushing the agenda to start organising Mizoram State Games for quite a while now, the same was approved and recommended allotment of a budget of Rs 150 lakh.

It is expected that the first State Games will be conducted within this year.

To work towards further protection of wildlife in the state, an Incentive Reward Scheme will be introduced where persons responsible for reporting illegal poaching and hunting will be rewarded by the government.

The cabinet also decided to bifurcate the social welfare department into two directorates – directorate of social welfare & tribal affairs and directorate of women and child development.

The Draft Mizoram Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Rules, 2019 of the social department was also approved.