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Agartala: In a dramatic turn of events, MGNREGA workers from North Gandachara blocked the Ambassa-Gandachara road this morning, bringing traffic to a standstill, as they protested against the non-payment of regular wages for several months.

Ambassa-Gandachara is located in Tripura’s Dhalai district.

The passengers faced severe hardships due to the unexpected blockade.

According to an MGNREGA worker, the laborers from North Gandachara have not received their wages for the work they performed over the past few months.

“Despite multiple notifications to the Panchayat, no concrete steps were taken to resolve the issue, leading the workers to resort to the road blockade as a last resort”, said this agitator.

The protest gained attention from high-ranking officers, who swiftly arrived at the scene to address the escalating situation.

After engaging in a dialogue with the blockaders, the authorities assured them that the longstanding problem would be promptly resolved. In response to this assurance, the workers decided to withdraw the road blockade.

However, the blockaders have issued a stern warning, stating that they will join a more extensive movement in the coming days if the promises made by the authorities are not fulfilled. The workers expressed their frustration at the lack of timely action and pledged to continue their struggle until their demands for regular wages are met.