File photo of a tea garden in Garo Hills of Meghalaya growing Durama tea. Courtesy: IndiaMART

Meghalaya Government is moving for organic certification of Garo Hills’ most popular brand of tea ‘Durama’ in similar line with Khasi Hills’ famous ‘Lakadong’ organic turmeric.

State Commissioner and secretary P Sampath Kumar during a recent visit to one of the tea collection centres at Tebronggre in the Garo Hills was on the opinion that ‘Durama Tea’ is not only tasty but also organic because tea farmers have never used any kind of pesticide on the plants which is a rare and unique thing.

He also said that 40 per cent of the entire tea market in the Garo Hills has been captured by Durama Tea.

The tea is produced by the West Garo Hills Tea Farmers Federation headquartered at Rongram which is around 15 kms from Tura.

The arrival of tea in the region has also benefitted the eco system, substantially, as many farmers turned away from the traditional jhum cultivation and took up tea cultivation more than two decades ago.

According to Kumar, for any organic certification of a product it requires a three year process and given the rising demand and no use of presiticides, for both Durama tea and Lakadong turmeric, the government is moving for their certification.

He also said that once these two produce get organic certification, the Durama tea and Lakadong turmeric farmers will be able to export their produce not just in the country but even abroad for a very profitable price because there is a huge demand for organic produce.