At least four persons, including three belonging to a family, were killed massive landslides that were reported from Garo Hills region in Meghalaya.

One of the landslides was reported from Jebalgre village in West Garo Hills district of Meghalaya on Thursday morning.

Three belonging to a family of five were killed in the landslide in the wee hours of Thursday. 

The family was asleep, when the house they were living in, was struck by the landslide, killing three people.

The deceased persons have been identified as Pritish Marak, her son Almost Marak and daughter Aianbe Marak.

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The trio were buried alive in the landslide.

Later, after hours of struggle, the bodies of the deceased were recovered from the mud by the local villagers.

“At least three members of a family died in a massive landslide that took place in Gambegre area of Meghalaya’s West Garo Hills district,” West Garo Hills district police informed.

Meanwhile, the other two members of the family – the father Sengrik Sangma and his son Thobias Marak managed to survive the tragedy.

However, their health condition is stated to be critical and are undergoing treatment at a hospital.

In another landslide incident reported on Thursday, a two and half-year-old child was killed.

The toddler was killed when a landslide struck the house he was living in and destroyed it.

The incident has been reported from Samati village in South West Garo Hills of Meghalaya.