Meghalaya Home Minister James P?.?K.? Sangma on Thursday launched an e-prisons software at district Jail in Shillong.

Speaking at the event he said that the state government was committed to modernization of jails in the state and informed that efforts are on to have video conferencing in every jail to reduce the need to transport prisoners to courts during trial.

He also informed that free legal aid services are being provided to prisoners.

Stating that prisons should be correctional and reformation centers and inmates be treated with humanity, the Minister stressed that inmates should be provided vocational and other skill development training so that they can integrate with the society on their release and lead a fruitful life as law abiding citizens.

“The main emphasis of prisons should be rehabilitation and integration with the society,” he said while stressing the need to constitute the Central jail to separate hardcore criminals and Under Trial Prisoners (UTPs).

Launching the software, the minister said that Meghalaya is one of the first few states in the Northeast to have launched the e-prisons software adding that the inauguration from Shillong district Jail was a humble beginning.

He expressed confidence that steps towards digitization and modernization of prisons will be implemented in the rest of the prisons in the state.

Sangma said that e-prisons software will digitize not only record keeping of jails but will bring in much more transparency and accountability in the functioning of jails.

Earlier Director General of Prisons, R.P. Agarwal informed that e-prisons would computerize and integrate all activities related to prison and prisoner management in the jails providing vital information about the inmates to the prison officials and others involved in the criminal justice system.

Developed by NIC, e-prisons is cloud based product designed with easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI) and embedded with a comprehensive security measures providing a national integrated information about inmates.