COVID19 positive
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Meghalaya is in a state of worry as the sample of a COVID19 patient tested positive again after a third retest conducted on Tuesday.

After observing the patient for 14 days, the first retest had shown negative.

But the second retest came out positive on Sunday.

On Tuesday, the third retest of the patient’s sample was conducted and found positive again.

“The positive patient was retested and unfortunately, the result is still positive. We have to again do a retest for the fourth time after three days,” the director of health services, Dr A. War, said on Tuesday.

However, the health condition of the patient is stable.

The 10 other patients have become negative for COVID19 now.

Meghalaya has so far registered 12 COVID19 positive cases.

The deadly virus has claimed the state’s first COVID19 positive patient, who passed away on April 15.

Meghalaya deputy chief minister Prestone Tynsong has also confirmed that the patient, who tested positive in the second retest, continues to remain positive for COVID19.

But the deputy chief minister urged the people not to be panic.

The positive patient has to be retested after three days as per norms of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.