While environment scientists find cement companies liable for causing adverse effects on the environment and ecological disturbance, five directors of Topcem Cement are all set to launch a ‘large’ integrated cement plant in East Jaintia hills district of Meghalaya.

Canis Mines & Minerals LLP, a company registered with the Registrar of Companies in Kolkata, has proposed to set up a large integrated cement plant at Thangskai in limestone-rich East Jaintia hills district of Meghalaya.

The Canis Mines & Minerals LLP has five directors – Kailash Chandra Lohia, Mahendra Agarwal, Nishant Garodia, Phone Syih and Amit Agarwal.

All the five directors of Canis Mines & Minerals LLP are directors of Meghalaya Cements Ltd, the producer of Topcem Cement brand.

Also read: Twin setback for Topcem Cement – Indian Bureau of Mines ‘disapproves’ two Mine Closure Plans in Meghalaya

The five directors of Topcem Cement have proposed the large integrated cement plant with a capacity 1.6 MTPA clinker and 1.6 MTPA of cement.

The Canis Mines & Minerals LLP has also proposed a 25 MW Captive Power Plant and a 6 MW Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) to ensure 100 percent uninterrupted power availability.

The new large integrated cement project is likely come up at Thangskai, sources said, adding that the integrated cement plant will cost Rs 970 crores.

Also read: Topcem Cement eyes 110.75% production ‘expansion’ amid opposition in Jaintia hills district of Meghalaya

The Canis Mines & Minerals LLP was registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on June 6, 2019. Initially, the company was registered on August 6, 2007 as Canis Mines & Minerals Private Ltd, and was converted to LLP in June 2019.

While Northeast Now got access to the Google Earth coordinates (Latitude: 25°11’ 56.19” N to 25°12’19.29” N and Longitude: 92°22’ 24.0” E to 92°23’ 18.91” E) of the new cement plant, it is apparent that it is next to Topcem Cement’s plant at Thngskai in East Jaintia hills district.

Also read: Indian Bureau of Mines ‘disapproves’ Topcem Cement’s Mining Plan in East Jaintia hills district of Meghalaya

Sources said the new integrated cement plant will come up on a land measuring 49.39 hectares, and is already in possession and has been taken on lease.

Canis Mines & Minerals LLP officials are working round the clock to get the necessary clearances for the large integrated cement plant from the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change.

The five directors Canis Mines & Minerals LLP are reportedly determined to implement the large integrated cement plant at Thnagskai on a war-footing to find a grip in the highly competitive cement market in Northeast India, sources said.

Kailash Chandra Lohia, who is the most influential promoter of Canis Mines & Minerals LLP’s new integrated cement plant, reportedly told the managers to commission the plant in less than two years of clearances by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change.

Sources said Kailash Chandra Lohia has also insisted for full mechanization of the large integrated cement plant, and will employ only 180 to 200 employees.

Despite repeated attempts Kailash Chandra Lohia was not available for comments on the proposed large integrated cement plant at Thangskai in East Jaintia hills district of Meghalaya.

Even senior officials of Topcem Cement are totally tight-lipped on the new large integrated cement plant, which is being promoted by five directors of the company.