The West Jaintia Hills Police detained a person for a derogatory post on the Facebook regarding the Catholic Church.

The police from Jowai police station swiftly acted following a written complaint received at the police station on Monday and detained one Rimialson Daw.

It may be mentioned that Meghalaya is dominated by Christian population.

The West Jaintia Hills district police chief said the police detained the person as his Facebook post hurt the “sentiments of the Catholic Church”.

Lakador Syiem, superintendent of police, West Jaintia Hills, in a statement issued on Tuesday said, “On October 14, 2019, a written complaint was received at Jowai Police Station that one person, whose name as per his Facebook account is Rimialson Daw, posted a derogatory post in his facebook account which has hurt the sentiments of the Catholic Church.”

Syiem also informed that immediately after receiving the complaint, the West Jaintia Hills deputy superintendent of police (headquarters) swung into action and was able to “contact and establish the identity and locate the person”.

The detained man, who was taken to Jowai police station for questioning, has been sent for medical examination as the relatives of the detainee have claimed that he is not mentally sound.

Informing this, the SP said, “On establishing the contact the person was detained and brought to Jowai police station for questioning and also sent for medical examination as his relatives have claimed that he is mentally of unsound mind and under treatment.”

“Investigation into the case is in progress,” the SP added.