Jaiñtia Hills Autonomous District Council Office. Picture credit: jhadc.nic.in

In four years, the politically unstable Jaiñtia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC) in Jaiñtia Hills region of Meghalaya has also seen four Chief Executive Members.

On Thursday, the JHADC elected Madonbai Rymbai, as the new Chief Executive Member (CEM) after veteran MDC, Moonlight Pariat resigned as CEM.

With the election of Rymbai, now the JHADC has witnessed four CEMs in four years.

Rymbai is the Council’s member representing Sohmynting district council constituency.

Rymbai who was the Congress member, had joined the National People’s Party last year.

Now Rymbai is leading an NPP-led Executive Committee in the 30-member JHADC.

The EC led by Moonlight Pariat collapsed after three members from his own party, the United Democratic Party (UDP), eight Congress members, and one BJP member withdrew their support.

The saying, “nothing is impossible in politics” or “no permanent friends and foes in politics” came true as the BJP is working together with the opposition Congress in JHADC along with the NPP.

Under the leadership of the new CEM (Rymbai), the Jaintia Democratic Alliance (JDA) was formed and has the support of 23 members which include 11 NPP members, 8 Congress members, three members of the UDP and one BJP member.

The remaining 7 UDP members including the former CEM (Pariat) are in the opposition and yet to decide whether they would also support the newly formed alliance.

Pariat was at the helm of affairs only for two months.

Pariat was elected as CEM on March 29 this year. He was third CEM since 2014 till date.

The elections to the JHADC are due early in 2019.