Teiñwell Dkhar (extreme right).
Teiñwell Dkhar (extreme right). Image: Northeast Now

Senior leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) from Shella, Teiñwell Dkhar has been selected as the candidate for the post of Chief Executive Member (CEM) of the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC).

Dkhar who won for the fourth consecutive time since 2004 as MDC from Shella constituency was selected for the CEM post, instead of popular leader, Paul Lyngdoh on the basis of seniority at the UDP meeting held on Sunday night.

Dkhar is the present chairman of the KHADC.

Earlier, the name of Paul Lyngdoh and Sohra MDC, Titosstarwell Chyne were doing the rounds for the CEM post.

However, due to the tussle between the two leaders, the name of Dkhar emerged as consensus candidate for the CEM post.

The UDP which formed the Regional Democratic Alliance (RDA) with the Hill State People’s Democratic Party (HSPDP), will lead the executive committee in KHADC with the support of seven members of the National People’s Party (NPP), one member of the People’s Democratic Front and one Independent.

The RDA has nine members, seven from the UDP, and two from the HSPDP.

UDP president and Assembly Speaker, Dr Donkupar Roy told reporters that the RDA will get the CEM post and five Executive Members, including one Executive Member from the HSPDP.

The CEM post will be on a rotation basis after one year.

Dkhar will remain as CEM for one year, and after that, the post will rotate to either Paul Lyngdoh or Titosstarwell Chyne.

Roy denied that there was a tussle within the UDP for the CEM post, saying the decision was taken on the basis of seniority.

The NPP has also formed the People’s Democratic Alliance (PDA) for working together with the RDA.

Roy said that the PDA will take the post of chairman and deputy chairman besides the Executive Member posts.

“We have agreed to work together in the KHADC, being the same partners of the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance government,” Roy said.

The decision to form the PDA was taken at a meeting attended by nine MDCs which include NPP leader, Pynshngaiñlang N Syiem, PDF MDC from Umsning Macdalyne Sawkmie Mawlong and Independent MDC and MLA from Nongkrem, Lambor Malngiang.

Malngiang is the chairman of the PDA and Macdalyne is the secretary.

Syiem who was elected as Parliamentary Party (PP) leader of the NPP said that the joint meeting of the PDA and RDA will be held on Monday to decide collectively for the CEM post.

On the other hand, Malngiang said the PDA was formed to ensure stability and smooth functioning of the new executive committee.