Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Monday met Union DoNER Minister Dr Jitendra Singh in New Delhi to apprise him of the different developmental works being carried out in Meghalaya and sought for his full support.

Dr Singh has assured full support and cooperation to take forward developmental projects in Meghalaya.

The Chief Minister discussed on the newly launched special scheme from the Ministry – North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS), under which the State Government has submitted several proposal to be taken up in Meghalaya.

NESIDS is fully funded by the Government of India to fill up gaps of infrastructure relating to water supply, power, and connectivity especially for promotion of tourism. It also funds programme for creation of infrastructure in social sector, primarily in primary and secondary education and health.

“We have decided to hold a joint meeting with all concerned officials to take the proposed projects for Meghalaya forward,” said the Chief Minister.

The projects include – solar streetlights in 1800 villages, and upgradation of several roads in different parts of the State.

The Chief Minister also apprised him on different development works in Meghalaya, which are being taken up considering the upcoming National Games 2022 and projects to boost farming and tourism.

“The agenda is to set up a high end food processing park in Meghalaya and my engagement with the minister was on this. He has assured to give his best support to take the growth of Meghalaya forward,” the Chief Minister added.

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