File image of slain Myanmar school teacher Dim Lun Mang

Several civil society organizations have strongly condemned the horrific killing of the school teacher, Dim Lun Mang.

Mang was allegedly killed on November 17 last at Tuivel Zang Village in Tonzang township of Chin state.

Dim Lun Mang was brutally murdered with multiple gun shots in front of her school children allegedly by one Binod, a member of a Manipur based insurgent group.

The group is stationed and operated illegally in Tonzang township in Myanmar.

A press release issued on Thursday also stated that Meitei insurgent group has been involved in drug trafficking, smuggling guns illegally, torturing local ethnic Zomi people, confiscating land and properties for decades under gun point.

The local community and the entire Zomi communities throughout the world have been in shock with fear and anger on the inhuman killing of an innocent school teacher, it stated.

The civil society organizations have sought the motive behind the murder.

They also demanded measures to prevent this lawlessness from happening in the future.

It further questioned how an insurgent group from neighbouring country could freely operate in Chin state.

The organizations demanded that the border security affairs must take immediate action against Manipuri insurgent group by removing them from operating inside Myanmar,especially in Northern Chin State and Kalay Kabaw Valley of Sagaing Region to be in compliance with the Article 42(B) of Chapter 1 of the 2008 Myanmar Constitution.

They also demanded that the Government of Myanmar, Chin state government through its Education Ministry to provide with benevolent support to the family of Dim Lun Mang as well as the community with security and humanitarian support.

They also sought that Indian and Myanmarese authorities and law enforcement would immediately take action on murderer Binod for justice to Dim Lun Mang.

They also urged the Government of Myanmar to thoroughly scrutinize on the illegal Manipuri settlement in Tonzang and Tamu township in Myanmar.

They also sought that the authorities should stop them doing business and operating illegal trade in Myanmar.

The organizations also urged the Union Parliament in coordination with the Union Government and Tatmadaw to form an investigation commission to stop illegal activities such as drugs and gun trading, extra-judicial execution, illegal taxation and take immediate action.