COVID19 positive

Manipur on Wednesday registered five more COVID19 positive cases taking the state’s total to 25.

Earlier, samples of 11 persons were found positive for COVID19.

The new cases, all are females, tested positive for COVID19 at the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) of Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences (JNMS) in Imphal.

“They belong to the group of stranded people returning from Chennai,” said a statement issued by Dr Khoirom S Mangang, additional director & spokesperson of the Manipur health department, on Wednesday.

All of the infected patients have been admitted to a COVID Care facility of the district hospital of Churachandpur.

“Their conditions are stable,” said Mangang.

Mangang informed that a total of 405 samples were tested.

Out of the 405 samples, 205 samples were tested at the VRDL of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital (RIMS) in Imphal while 200 samples were tested at JNIMS, he informed.

“The total number of positive cases has increased to 25. The number of active case is 23,” Mangang confirmed.

“In view of the rapid rise in the number of active cases, it is reiterated that the government is taking up all possible control measures including strict containment and contract tracing,” the spokesperson of the Manipur health department said.

He also said: “The treatment facilities in the RIMS and JNIMS are now fully readied for any eventuality.”