SHILLONG: The Northeast Students’ Organisation (NESO) has questioned the silence maintained by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the violence in Manipur.

“It is surprising and shocking that the Prime Minister of the country, who use to be very active in commenting on any issues affecting the different states of the country, is still silent even after nearly two months of mayhem in Manipur,” NESO chairman Samuel Jyrwa said.

“We urged and call the PM to speak on this issue and take proactive measures to stop the violence and to solve the issues arising out of this problem,” he said.

The NESO also appealed for peace in the violence-affected state of Manipur.

“As an organisation for all the Northeast states, it is high time that peace should be restored in Manipur,” said NESO chairman Samuel Jyrwa.

The students’ organisations under the NESO took out candlelight vigil for peace in Manipur in the capital cities of seven Northeast states on Wednesday (June 28).

The Northeast Students’ Organisation (NESO) comprises of eight top students’ bodies from seven Northeast states.

All Assam Students’ Union (AASU), Khasi Students’ Union (KSU), Garo Students’ Union (GSU), All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU), Naga Students’ Federation (NSF), All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP) and Twipra Students’ Federation (TSF) are members of NESO.