COVID19 positive
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Manipur has registered one more COVID19 positive case on Friday taking the state’s total to 26.

The sample of the new case (male) tested positive for COVID19 at the Virus Research & Diagnosis Laboratory (VRDL) in Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal on Friday.

With the new detection, the total number of active COVID19 cases registered in the state has increased to 24.

The first two positive cases, which were detected during March-end and the first week of April, were discharged from hospitals last month after their complete recovery.

Confirming the detection of the new positive case, Dr Khoirom Sasheekumar Mangang, additional director and spokesperson of the health department on Friday said a 22-year-old male patient with symptom of stuffy nose was tested on Thursday night at the VRD in RIMS where he tested COVID19 positive.

The infected patient belongs to the group of stranded people coming back from Delhi by road.

He has been admitted to the Covid Care facility at RIMS.

Stating that his condition is stable, Dr Mangang in a statement said, “All necessary control measures like containment and contact tracing are taken up.”

“With the new case, the total numbers of positive cases have now increased to 26 and the total number of active cases to 24,” the statement added.

Stating that the number of positive cases is increasing in the last few days in the state, it said, “So far the increase is occurring only in the group of stranded people.”

Through the statement the top health official appealed to the public not to panic but to be prepared by adopting social distancing, hand hygiene using soap or sanitizer and wearing face masks.

On Wednesday alone, 16 persons tested COVID19 positive and they are currently undergoing treatment in separate COVID19 isolation wards in government hospitals.

The number of COVID19 positive cases in the state is on the rise after the arrival of the stranded people of the state from other parts of the country.

According to official reports, more than 10,000 people have returned to Manipur from their workplaces located in different parts of India.

Sobhapati Samom is Northeast Now Correspondent in Imphal. He can be reached at: [email protected]