Imphal: Doctors, staff, and Meira Paibis (Manipuri women’s vigilante groups) joined on Sunday to stage a sit-in protest at the Hillside View Hospital in Imphal West, Manipur.

This response was followed by a bomb threat.

The protestors displayed banners with messages condemning the bomb threat, demanding a safe hospital environment, and prioritizing healing over destruction.

Dr Rajkumari Joysita, the hospital’s Medical Superintendent, confirmed the incident.

An unidentified individual placed a hand grenade wrapped in a plastic bag within the hospital premises on Saturday afternoon.

Fortunately, the Manipur police bomb squad arrived promptly, secured the device, and disposed of it safely.

A police case has been registered to investigate the matter.

Dr Joysita made a plea to those responsible, urging them to refrain from such acts in critical public spaces like hospitals.

She emphasized the importance of open communication and encouraged anyone with grievances to engage in dialogue with the hospital administration.

The bomb threat’s motive and perpetrator remain unknown, as no group or individual has claimed responsibility so far.