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The 23rd Manipur Integrity Day was observed by All Manipur United Clubs’ Organization (AMUCO) in Imphal on Tuesday.

The day is observed in remembrance of the rally on August 4, 1997, opposing any compromise with the territorial integrity of the State.

Volunteers of AMUCO led by its president Pheiroijam Nando Luwang and women folk leaders offered floral tributes at the Integrity Memorial near the historic Mapal Kkangjeibung in Imphal.

Later, a meeting was also held at AMUCO office at Kwakeithel in Imphal with the participants adhering to the COVID-19 SOP and guidelines.

AMUCO president Nando Luwang and Poirei Leimarol Meira Paibi Apunba Manipur president Longjam Memchoubi presided the observation wherein the gathering adopted a firm and non-negotiable position on the integrity of Manipur.

It may be mentioned that carrying the messages that the integrity of Manipur is non-negotiable and all the communities must co-exist and prosper together, AMUCO organized a historic mammoth rally which is assumed as the biggest rally ever and it was followed by a public meeting, on August 4, 1997 at Imphal.