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Manipur Health department on Wednesday denied reports of coronovirus in the State.

Earlier media reports have stated that a woman from Imphal is undergoing treatment after she was found with Novel Coronavirus aka 2019-nCov aka coronavirus-like symptoms.

However, Northeast Now in its report quoting national media had stated that the woman had showed similar symptoms and not diagnosed with coronavirus.

Also read: Manipuri woman detected with coronavirus symptoms

Meanwhile, the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Hospital in Imphal has issued a letter to the Imphal West SP to direct the cyber crime branch to delete those pages reporting the presence of coronavirus in the hospital.

Also read: Bhutan on toes against coronavirus

A letter signed by RIMS medical superintendent Prof Ch Arunkumar Singh stated:

The letter from RIMS

‘Recently, in the Face Book/Whats App it was uploaded that Corona Virus infected patient is admitted and treated at RIMS Hospital, Imphal. Here, I will like to clarify that there is no Coronoa Virus infection in the RIMS Hospital. Please direct the cyber crime branch to delete those pages reporting the presence of coronavirus in the hospital.”

Also read: Coronavirus: Symptoms and precautions

However, the Manipur government has stepped up the screening of visitors at airports and check posts, especially along the areas bordering Myanmar.

Also read: Nagaland issues FAQs on coronavirus

The Manipur health department has deputed medical officers along India-Myanmar border towns of Moreh and Behiang for screening of persons – both foreigners and Indians – travelling from China and adjacent countries for coronavirus-like symptoms.