New Delhi: In response to a scheduled debate in the European Parliament regarding the situation in Manipur, the Indian government has reiterated that the matter is “absolutely” internal to the country.

A motion for a resolution on the Manipur situation was tabled in the Brussels-based EU Parliament, drawing criticism of the Modi government’s handling of the ongoing violence in the state.

Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra addressed concerns raised by EU parliamentarians, emphasizing that the situation in Manipur is an internal matter of India.

Opposition parties have accused the government of failing to contain the violence, while the government maintains that it has taken appropriate measures.

Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh took to Twitter, highlighting the absence of a response from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the lack of an All-Party delegation visiting Manipur.

Ramesh stated that the situation is indeed an internal matter, but criticized the government’s inaction.

The motion for a resolution, jointly tabled by six parliamentary groups in the EU Parliament, criticized the Modi government’s handling of the violence and expressed concerns about politically motivated policies promoting “Hindu majoritarianism”.

The resolution also called for the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) and urged the government to uphold UN principles on the use of force.

The resolution further expressed deep concern over the decline in religious freedom in India and called on all sides to exercise restraint and refrain from inflammatory statements.

It also denounced nationalistic rhetoric deployed by leading members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

In response to the upcoming debate and potential resolution, the Indian government has hired the lobbying firm Alber & Geiger to address any diplomatic challenges that may arise.