Image: DIPR, Manipur

With the active participation of the Anganwadi workers and others, the State Level Poshan Maah cycle rally held to mark the closing of the Rashtriya Poshan Maah in Imphal on Monday.

The cycle rally was flagged off by the state social welfare and cooperation minister Nemcha Kipgen from the gate of the Directorate of Social Welfare office located at 2nd MR gate in Imphal in the morning.

Also read: Assam: Arjuna Bhogeswar Baruah to spearhead Poshan Abhiyan in Sivasagar

With the theme ‘Complementary Feeding,’ the entire month of September was celebrated as the Rashtriya Poshan Maah.

Poshan Abhiyaan is a multi- ministerial convergence mission with the vision to address malnutrition with a targeted approach by 2022.

Taking forward the message of Poshan Abhiyaan, the cycle rally which was started from the office campus of Directorate of Social Welfare passed through important junctions in Imphal including Khongnang Ani Karak, Lamlong Bazar, JNIMS Hospital, Ananda Singh Higher Secondary Academy,Nongmeibung, Sanjenthong, Keishampat, Wahengbam Leikai, Nagamapal, Ima Keithel,Kangla Gate and it finally converged at the office campus of social welfare.

Also read: Assam CM advocates converting Poshan Abhiyaan into a mass movement

Addressing the gatherings prior to the flagging off of the cycle rally, social welfare minister Kipgen expressed that this cycle rally will definitely spread the message of Poshan Abhiyaan to all the people of the State.

Expressing that joint sensitization programmes has been held in all the districts and also in block level during the Rashtriya Poshan Maah month, she also lauded all the officers and officials of Social Welfare Department, Anganwadi workers, helpers and all stakeholders for their selfless contribution in the successful implementation of Poshan Maah in Manipur.

Principal secretary Vumlunmang Vualnam of Social Welfare, Government of Manipur and director Ngangom Uttam Singh of Social Welfare also present during the day’s cycle rally flagging off function.