Local man celebrates success in induced breeding of Meitei Sareng in Thoubal

Imphal: After a series of successes in induced breeding of locally grown Meitei Sareng (Wallago attu or freshwater shark), the newly hatched Sareng seeds attained a sizeable growth of 12.7 centimetres which is equivalent to five inches within 20 days.

Local breeder, Laimujam Dinamani Singh of Tentha Khunou in Thoubal District is astonished at the rapid rate of growth the Sareng seeds have attained.

He said that achieving the maiden success in breeding and amazing growth rate have relieved him from the tension of the uncertainties of survival of seeds.

He said that he devoted all his time to overseeing the progress of new Sareng babies and preparing for the second round of breeding.

The interests and monitoring activities of officials of the State Fisheries Department particularly shown by the Director are overwhelming, he added.

Dinamani opined that he attached spiritual elements to the growth and breeding of Meitei Sareng.

The rituals of breeding Sareng fish are very complicated as no success is achievable if the hatchery process is taken up during the “Yum Mangba”, a Manipuri ritual that connotes the birth or death of a dear one in the family or relative within the clan.

One should follow a strict disciplinary protocol in rearing and breeding the fish, he commented.

Dinamani dedicates his success in Sareng breeding to the Chief Minister of Manipur, N. Biren Singh for his encouragement and motivation for a revival of the most prized fish in Manipur and Director of Fisheries, Manipur for his consistent moral and physical support extended from time to time.