The budget session of Manipur Legislative Assembly came to an end after speaker Yumnam Khemchand adjourned the fourth session of Assembly sine die on Friday.

Manipur Legislative Assembly session that commenced from February 2, 2018 had 15 sittings. One Obituary Reference, 125 Starred Questions, 22 Unstarred Questions, three Committee Reports and six Calling Attention Motions were raised and answered during the session. Two papers also were tabled in the House.

In the day’s question and answer session, Health & Family Welfare minister L Jayantakumar Singh in response to a question raised by opposition MLA Kh Joykishan Singh, said the total amount for which Utilization Certificate has been submitted during the current financial year to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under various Centrally Sponsored schemes including 10% State matching share were NRHM Rs 88.08 crore, NACO Rs 31.93 crore and AYUSH Rs 4.17 crore.

In another question raised MLA K Ranjit Singh, the Health minister replied there is a proposal for establishing a Cancer Hospital in the State under the funding of ministry of DoNER and the Minister also said there is a proposal to establish PG Medical Entrance Centre in the state.

On the question raised by MLA Alfred Kangam Arthur, the PHED Minister L Dikho replied that ten villages are proposed and expected to be covered by the Augmentation of Water Supply at Shangshak.

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