winner of boys category- kerala team with myanmar ministers and BBFI officials
Image: Northeast Now

The five-day long 65th Junior National Ball Badminton Championship for boys and girls comes to an end at the Indoor Stadium of Khuman Lampak Sports Complex in Manipur capital Imphal on Sunday.

The championship was organized by Ball Badminton Association of Manipur (BBAM).

In the final matches played early Sunday morning, Kerala beat Andhra Pradesh and won the champion title in junior boy’s category.

On the other hand Andhra Pradesh bagged team champion’s title in girl’s category by beating Maharashtra while (Mixed) doubles title went to  Maharashtra.

The third and fourth place title goes to Telengana and Maharashtra.

On the other hand Maharashtra bagged team champion’s title both in girl’s category and (Mixed) doubles by defeating Adnhra Pradesh in both the categories.

Similarly Kerala and Karnataka bagged the third and fourth position in the girl’s category while second place title for (mixed) doubles title goes to Andhra Pradesh.

The closing function cum prize distribution function of the championship was attended by two Myanmar ministers Myint Kyi (minister for municipality) and Than Nyunt Win (minister for electricity, technology, road and communication) from Saigang division.

Convenor R K Shivachandra of Manipur State Level Committee for Actualisation of Act East Policy, Secretary Tin Maung Swe of Saigang division and Chairman Soe Myint of Mizzima foundation with few staffs also present during the closing function which was attended by Vice President Dr Suresh Bongade and Secretary Y Raja Rao of Ball Badminton Federation of India (BBFI) led other functionaries and Dr L Kumar of BBAM.

It may be mentioned that the national championship which was inaugurated by the Speaker Yumnam Khemchand Singh of Manipur state legislative assembly at the main stadium of Khuman Lampak Sports Complex in Imphal on June 5.

It was participated by nearly 800 players and officials including coaches from 26 states out of 29 states and union territories. Teams from three northeastern states-Assam, Manipur and Tripura are also participating in the championship.

According to BBAM, south Indian states are dominating the game since its inception in the country. So far nine Asian countries-Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia,Nepal, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Thailand have started to play the Indian origin game and BBFI is making out all effort to reintroduce the sports discipline in the National Games within shortest possible time.

Sobhapati Samom is Northeast Now Correspondent in Imphal. He can be reached at: [email protected]