With the objective to intensify efforts for making people aware about the conservation and effective utilization of petroleum products, one month long campaign ‘Saksham-2018’ was inaugurated in Imphal on Tuesday.

The programme was jointly organised by public sector oil and gas companies in Manipur with Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas.

Manipur governor Dr Najma Heptulla said conservation of petroleum products by using another means is need of the hour. The use may be for transport or everyday use of household sector.

“Apart from damages to our environment, these petroleum products which are imported from foreign countries have direct impact on nation’s economy. We all have contribution to save the environment and to save the petroleum products,” she said.

Raj Bhavan has already started to use solar panel for domestic power generation and will try to increase the volume of using the solar panel in future too, she added.

As part of the day’s programme, the Manipur governor administered ‘Saksham-2018’ pledge, flagged off the ‘Walk Rally’ participated by students from different schools of the state.

Prizes were given away to the four best participants of the district level quiz competition.

“India has emerged as the third largest oil consumer in the world. Being one of the fastest growing economies of the world, our demand for energy, especially the Oil and Gas is also rising rapidly. It is also a fact that we are heavily dependent on crude import to meet our energy needs. This heavy import dependence and its attendant strain on our economic resources need greater emphasis on to conservation of petroleum products,” union petroleum minister Dharmendra Pradhan said in a message.