Major Leetul Gogoi
File photo of Major Leetul Gogoi. Photo Credit - Outlook

The army on Friday ordered a Court of Inquiry against Major Leetul Gogoi who was detained along with a local girl by police for questioning from a hotel here this week.

“Army has ordered a Court of Inquiry against Major Gogoi of 53 Rashtriya Rifles regarding an incident that occurred on May 23. If found guilty, appropriate action would be taken against him,” Defence Ministry spokesman, Col Rajesh Kalia told reporters in Srinagar on Friday.

Sources that Gogai’s commanding officer is being shifted out for alleged lack of command and control over his subordinates. They also said that Gogoi has been taken off from field duties and attached to headquarters till the completion of the inquiry.

On May 23, Gogoi was briefly detained by police in Srinagar after an altercation when he was allegedly trying to enter a hotel with an 18-year-old woman.

Replying to questions on this incident, Army chief, Gen. Bipin Rawat said that the officer would face “exemplary” punishment, if found involved in any unlawful act.

“If any officer of the Indian army is found guilty of any offence, we will take strictest possible action,” Rawat told reporters at Pahalgham. “If Major Gogoi has done something wrong, I assure you that he will be awarded punishment at the earliest…the punishment will set an example,” the army chief said.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police has also initiated an inquiry into the incident involving Gogoi, whose decision to tie a civilian to the bonnet of his vehicle in Kashmir last year sparked a row.

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