Representative image. Source - Internet

The last wish of Nirbhaya‘s killers will be made public shortly.

The four were hanged at 5.30 am at the Tihar jail on Friday.

However, we have the wishes made by some other convicts sentenced to death earlier.

Also read: Drop of loop that decided hanging of Nirbhaya convicts

Dhananjay Chatterjee: His last wish was to touch the feet of the jail doctor Basudeb Mukherjee.

Chatterjee was hanged after being held guilty for the rape and murder of a 14 year old girl.

Before his hanging, he had also sought that religious songs should be played.

The wish was granted.

Also read: Nirbhaya convicts finally hanged

Yakub Memon: His last wish was to meet his daughter.

The jail authorities did not allow it, but arranged for a telephonic conversation.

Memon was convicted for his role in the Bombay blasts case.

Afzal Guru: Convicted in the Parliament attack, Afzal Guru had not made any last wish.

He spent most of his final days reading books.

Moments before he was hanged, he was offered tea.

He spoke with the jail authorities and as he finished his tea, he asked for more.

However the man who serves tea in the jail had already left and this last wish could not be fulfilled.

Ajmal Kasab: The Pakistani terrorist convicted in the 26/11 case had no last wish.

Jail authorities at Yerawada, however, said that he was extremely scared and struggled before he was hanged.

Billa and Ranga: Both had no last wish.

The night before the hanging, Billa ate well, but Ranga kept shouting Joh Bole So Nihal.

Maqbool Bhat: The co-founder of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front had no last wish.

He was hanged in the year 1984.

His hanging happened in quite a hurry and the black warrant had come after the kidnapping and murder of Indian diplomat, Ravindra Mhatre in the UK group, which had demanded the release of Bhat.