Khango Konyak
File image of Khango Konyak Image credit: Kangla online

The verbal wars between two groups of NSCN (Khaplang) – one led by Khango Konyak and the other by Yung Aung refused to die down. The Konyak-led faction on Saturday accused the rival Aung faction of relinquishing the “sovereign rights” of the Naga by ceding to Myanmar Union consequent upon the signing the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA) there.

The Konyak group, in a statement, said a delegation led by the chairman of ceasefire committee, Ankan Pangmi, reached Nyapidaw in Myanmar in June 2018 and signed the NCA with the Myanmar government.

“The NCA stipulates that the signatories of the pact cannot under any circumstances secede from the Myanmar union, the demand for independence hence cannot be discussed,” the statement said.

“It further specifies that any dialogue or settlement shall purely be within the bounds of Myanmar constitution and limited to delegation of powers within Myanmar Federation i.e. a federal state of Myanmar,” the Konyak-led group said.

Accordingly, the outfit said, the NCA signatories shall also be entitled to economic and developmental packages from the Myanmar government provided the signatories fully endorse the central authority of Myanmar government over its territories and people.

“It is therefore a brazen act to claim to be still fighting for Naga sovereignty when they have already surrendered to Myanmar Union. The NCA group led by Pangmi renegades must undergo a serious retrospection before accusing others of racist and divisive policies,” it stated.

However, the Aung-led NSCN (K), in a letter of appeal to the Nagas on October 19, urged them not to get swayed by development taking place in the ousted Konyak group but to have faith in its leadership.

The group also declared to uphold the spirit of the principle of Naga sovereignty and carry forward the freedom torch passed by its predecessors. It also vowed to fight to redeem every inch of ‘Nagaland’ as in the ancient time.

The Aung-led NSCN (K) alleged that in order to remove the word ‘sovereignty’ from the Naga dictionary, critical attempts have been made by the government of India and their agents to disintegrate and destroy the NSCN/GPRN and sabotage the ongoing struggle by creating splintered groups through skillfully designed “divide and destroy policy”.

It asserted that the NSCN/GPRN and the Naga Army will continue to support, defend and fight alongside other oppressed and colonized people till their long-cherished goal is achieved.

As things stand now, both the groups claim to be the legitimate NSCN (K).

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]