Representative image. Photo source - Star of Mysore

Charges of hooliganism have been leveled against Gauripur MLA in Dhubri district by the officials of the Parbotjhora Block Development Office under BTAD.

In this connection, the BDO of Parbatjhora Block of BTAD has lodged a case of hooliganism at Kajigoan Police Station of Kokrajhar district against the MLA.

In his complaint, Mamila Rabidas, BDO of Debitola Development Block alleged that on Tuesday at 3.30 PM, he along with the MLA of Gauripur and his staff members were inspecting various development schemes under Debitola Development Block.

During the inspection of Naba Kumar Dong (a canal) at Debitola, Nijanur Rahman, MLA, Gauripur assaulted physically his 55-year-old colleague Dipjyoti Sarkar, a Gram Sevak of Debitola Development Block.

He also threatened the complaint and his staff members with dire consequences.

A case has been registered at Kazigaon (Case no 35/2018 U/S 147/341/352/ 353/323/427/505 of IPC) and legal action is being initiated, police sources revealed.

While contacted, MLA Mizanur Rahman denied the allegation and further alleged that a number of anomalies have been noticed in the implementation of the developmental schemes in the block area and the officials concerned were not replying satisfactory answer.

Mukesh Kr Singh is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dhubri. He can be reached at: [email protected]