Garlic is a popular herb which is used for seasoning food and its usage as an ingredient for food and as a component in traditional remedies dates back thousands of years.

The herb is quite sensitive as too much of its usage in a dish can overpower its other flavors whereas using just the right amount can enhance the taste of a dish.

Moreover, consuming garlic in its raw form has a number of health benefits.

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Garlic has the ability of curing cold and cough and smelling raw garlic can provide relief to a blocked nose.

If you mix one or two raw garlic pods in a cup of red tea, you will get numerous health benefits in addition to feeling relaxed.

Garlic has the ability to lower blood pressure in hypertensive individuals.

The herb also has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels, boosts digestion and is also good for the heart as its cardioprotective properties can prevent many heart diseases.

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Garlic is also beneficial as a beauty remedy for skin and hair.

Garlic does wonders to skin infected with fungal infections and provides relief skin ailments like eczema.

Rubbing crushed garlic extract on your scalp or massaging with garlic-infused oil is known to prevent and even reverse hair loss.