Manipur Deputy Chief Minister Yumnam Joykumar Singh inaugurating Grid Connected Roof Top Solar Power Plant (8 KW) at United Friends’ Library & Club on June 4, 2018. Photo: Sobhapati Samom

Manipur Deputy Chief Minister Yumnam Joykumar Singh on Monday inaugurated a grid connected roof top solar power plant (8 KW) at United Friends’ Library & Club, Lamboikhongnangkhong in Imphal West. This is the 8th solar power plant installed in Uripok Assembly Constituency so far.

Speaking during the function, Joykumar said, with increasing population, energy requirement has also been increasing day by day.

He said, “All conventional sources of energy like hydroelectric projects, thermal plants, and nuclear power plants have limitations in power generation. Such non-renewable sources of power have also been depleting because of its limitation in raw materials and its impact in human existence. Therefore, the only way out to replace such sources would be the renewable ones like solar, wind and tidal wave which are abundantly available in our environment.”

While maintaining that the cheapest sources of energy would be the non-renewable sources, Joykumar Singh said it should be the alternative sources of energy and an assessment should be made to work out how much quantity of energy can be tapped through solar energy alone in the state. He further said government’s endeavour is to try its best to generate energy from renewable sources for the long run.

MANIREDA Director L Manglem Singh said the project which was started in 2016 has been an ambitious one through which power generated from solar power plants can be connected to power grids in the state. He said although power tariff in the state is low comparing with other states in the country, it has been revised every year and will increase further. Due to poor power generation in the state, alternative sources of power like solar energy would be very helpful to mend the gap, he added.

Sobhapati Samom is Northeast Now Correspondent in Imphal. He can be reached at: [email protected]

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