Mizoram chief minister Lal Thanhawla planting tree saplings at Ramthar Veng locality in Aizawl on the occasion of Green Mizoram Day on June 11, 2018. Photo: Sangzuala Hmar

Green Mizoram Day was observed in Aizawl and all district headquarters across Mizoram on Monday. Mizoram chief minister Lal Thanhawla and several dignitaries led the ceremonial planting of tree saplings at Ramthar Veng locality in Aizawl.

Mizoram chief minister Lal Thanhawla who also holds the environment, forest and climate change portfolio said that planting of tree saplings across the state had started in 1999 and so far 37 lakhs tree saplings had been planted.

Lal Thanhawla emphasized the importance of looking after the planted saplings and conservation of the existing forests.

“Mizoram has one of the most diverse and rich biodiversities, we need to value our environment and inculcate the spirit on environmental awareness and conservation of forests,” Lal Thanhawla said.

Prevailing agricultural system in the state has cast a shadow on the rich biodiversity of the state. E

ach year hectares and hectares of forests are slashed and burnt by farmers. Uncontrolled fire often led to huge forest fires each year.

Citing the need for fire prevention, Lal Thanhawla urged the officials and the people of Mizoram to be more alert and requested them to be more careful during the jhum season of slashing and burning.

Mizoram government has constituted a high level committee headed by the chief minister in an effort to curb forest fires. State Level Committee on Fire Prevention has been generating awareness among the villagers across the state and has had since long, doling out cash awards and other accolades to villages and districts which have performed well in the prevention of fire.

This years’ district award for fire prevention was given to Lunglei district and Hlimen village was awarded the best village in fire prevention.

Last year under the Green Mizoram banner 24,342 tree saplings were planted and more than 70,000 saplings were distributed to NGOs and activists across the state. The Green Mizoram will dole out 3.38 lakhs of saplings this year.