View of a coal mining site in Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya. Image credit - YouTube

Meghalaya Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong on Tuesday said that rescue operation to trace the trapped coal miners at Ksan in East Jaiñtia Hills district will continue, adding that experts will take a call on the fate of the rescue operation.

A Shillong Today report quoted Tynsong as saying that the incident is not an ‘isolated one as mine mishap takes places in other parts of India and other countries too’.

He was further quoted as saying that in 2012, am incident took place in South Garo Hills prior to the ban on coal mining by the NGT in 2014.

After the ban on coal mining also, there were incidences of mining and illegal transportation of coal and several cases were registered since 2014 till date, he was quoted as saying.

Tynsong was further quoted as saying that this is not the time or opportunity for ‘blame game’.

The Deputy Chief Minister also said that the blame cannot be on the government alone because ‘we have been instructing the Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of Police to take action by seizing and arresting those involved in illegal activities’.

He had further justified that it was also not easy for the law enforcing people to monitor everything as vested interest would always take advantage of the remoteness of the area and involved in mining coal illegally despite the ban.

On the rescue operation, Tynsong said that the operation to trace the trapped miners would continue and that is why the State Government has hired the expertise of experts and agencies from various parts of the country to help in the rescue operation.