Mizoram Chief Minister, Zoramthanga. File image: Northeast Now

The DoNER minister, Dr Jitendra Singh has assured Mizoram Chief Minister, Pu Zoramthanga of sufficient funds for development projects even though Mizoram is yet to spend Rs 225 crores granted this financial year.

Zoramthanga called on the DoNER Minister Dr Jitendra Singh in New Delhi on Wednesday to discuss various issues related to the state.

Officials said that issues including roads and other infrastructure, bamboo cultivation etc., were discussed between Zoramthanga and DoNER Minister. This was the first visit of Zoramthanga to the national capital after he had assumed the charge as Chief Minister.

Officials said that Zoramthanga urged Dr Singh to expedite stalled development projects particularly road connectivity projects in remote areas.

The DoNER Minister said the State Government can make use of the North East Road Sector Development Scheme (NERSDS) for laying the network of inter-state highways, state highways and other rural roads.

Dr Singh assured that there would be no budgetary constraint in the funds release and asked the Chief Minister to ensure submission of Utilization Certificates (UCs) in respect of funds already released to the State Government through DoNER Ministry and the North-Eastern Council (NEC).

The DoNER said the state government was yet to spend around Rs 225 crores allocated to the State for the current Financial Year even as we have already entered into the last quarter. “Besides, the State is entitled to an additional Rs 40 crore for the current fiscal,” he added.

The DoNER Minister stressed that the new Mizoram Government must submit timely UCs so that development works can gather steam.

The Mizoram Chief Minister underlined the huge potential for bamboo export to Bangladesh and Myanmar and urged Dr Jitendra Singh to facilitate border trade. The DoNER Minister said the State Government should make use of the National Bamboo Mission (NBM) approved by the Union Cabinet.