Representative image. Photo: Northeast Now

It has been observed that weaker sections of the society are vulnerable to lose their land to the land grabbers.

The victims file complaints of land grabbing or forceful occupation with the police or the Deputy Commissioner only in few cases praying for getting back their land.

In most cases, the victims who are poor, aged, widows, physically ill persons cannot physically resist such acts of financially sound land grabbers or pursue through legal complications for justice.

As such, the Government has constituted a district level co-ordination committee for Kamrup (Metro) district to facilitate and co-ordinate among the victims and police and district administration to facilitate quick disposal of such cases filed by victims.

This was stated in an official press release.

The committee members are the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup (Metro) as the chairman; Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue), Kamrup (M) as member secretary; and the Members are Deputy Commissioner of Police (East Zone, West Zone, Central Zone and Crime Branch), Circle Officer (Azara, Chandrapur, Dispur, Guwahati and Sonapur Revenue Circle) and government pleader of Kamrup (Metro) district.

The Committee shall ensure co-ordination between police and district administration to facilitate early disposal of cases.

It will also facilitate prompt submission of the requisite reports by the concerned revenue authorities and review pendency of the cases on monthly basis.

The committee shall also provide necessary guidance and assistance to the victims.

The committee will sit once in a month to review the petitions, the release added.

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